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Neural stem cell lineages in the fly brain

Our group seeks to decipher the secret of stem cell fate decision and fate memory in brain development and disease. The new mechanisms unveiled in our lab will provide fresh insights into stem cell biology and treatments for neurodevelopmental disorders. 

Latest news

Jan. 2025: Our latest paper TBP bookmarks and preserves neural stem cell fate memory by orchestrating local

                  chromatin architecture is now offically out at Molecular Cell. Check it out!

Jan 2025: Tongtong and Runxiang officially join the lab for their graduate thesis research. Big welcome!!

Jan. 2025: Ziyuan & Baichuan join us for their undergraduate research. Welcome aboard!

Dec. 2024: Yuying's paper is now published online at Molecular Cell. Cool work! 

Nov. 2024: Xiyue joins us for her undergraduate research. Welcome Xiyue!

Nov. 2024: Yuying's paper is accepted by Molecular Cell. Congratulations!!

Oct. 2024: Jingru joins us for her undergraduate research. Welcome aboard!

June 2024: Yuying is awarded the PKU Presidential Predoctoral Fellowship. Good job, Yuying!

June 2024: Chouin and Rulan successfully defended their graduate theses! Congratulations, Dr. Wong & Dr. Zhang!

June 2024: Jialing is awarded the prestigious ShenTong Graduate Award, the PKU Weiming Scholar Award, and         

                  the PKU Outstanding Graduate Award! We are so proud of you, Jialing!

Jan. 2024: Yan joins eLife as a Reviewing Editor. Congratulations Yan!

Jan 2024: Zili and Xiaoxuan officially join the lab for their graduate thesis research. Big welcome!!

Dec. 2023: Yan is awarded the ShenTong Teaching Award for a second time. Congratulations Yan! 

July 2023: Yan is awarded the PKU Excellent Teaching Award for a second time. Congrats!

July 2023: Chaoyi joins us for his undergraduate research. Welcome Chaoyi!

June 2023: Yuying is awarded the Best Presentation Award at the 34th Beijing Area Fly Meeting. Congratulations!

June 2023: Haoxuan is awarded the prestigious ShenTong Graduate Award, the PKU Weiming Scholar Award, and         

                  the PKU Outstanding Graduate Award! We are so proud of you, Haoxuan!

May 2023: Haotian joins us for his undergraduate research. Welcome aboard!

Jan 2023: Jie and Haoran officially join the lab for their graduate thesis research. Big welcome!

Nov 2022: Congratulations Zimo and Haoxuan for winning the 1st prize in the "Scientific Questions and Hypotheses"                         National Competition and Yan for the Excellent Mentor Award!  

Sept 2022: Jialing is awarded the prestigious National Scholarship. Congratulations Jialing!

Sept 2022: Congratulations Yuying for successfully passing the qualifying exam!

Sept 2022: Tanpeng joins us for her undergraduate research. Welcome aboard!


Aug 2022: A Special Issue on Transcriptional and epigenetic control of cell fate specification edited by Yan and the

                 Editorial It takes two to tango: The dance of cell fate specification are now availble at Developmental Biology.

                 Check it out!

Aug 2022: Ruizhi, Yuheng and Xiaoyun join us for their internships. Big welcome!!


June 2022: Yuwei is awarded the prestigious PKU Weiming Scholar Award, the ShenTong Graduate Award, and         

                  the PKU Outstanding Graduate Award! We are so proud of your achievements and wish you the best in your                    future endeavors!


April 2022: Yunrui joins the lab for his undergraduate research. Welcome Yunrui!


March 2022: Jinrou joins us for her undergraduate research. Welcome aboard!

Jan 2022: Jialing joins us for her undergraduate research. Big welcome!

Jan 2022: Jingwen moves on to her postdoctoral training with Dr. Ken Poss at Duke University. Good luck Jingwen!


Sept 2021: Haoxuan is awarded the prestigious National Scholarship. Congratulations, Haoxuan!


Aug. 2021: Xiaoqi joins us for her undergraduate research. Welcome aboard!


July 2021: Tongtong joins us for her undergraduate research. Big welcome!

June 2021: Yan receives Neurobiology New Frontier Youth Forum Speaker Award. Congratulations!

June 2021: Xinhe is awarded the prestigious PKU Weiming Scholar Award. Wonderful job, Xinhe!

June 2021: Zejun joins the lab for his graduate thesis research. Welcome aboard!

June 2021: Runxiang joins the lab for his undergraduate research. Welcome Runxiang!

May 2021: Ruijia, Dan and Jingwen successfully defended their Ph.D. theses! Congratulations!!

March 2021: Jingyi joins the lab for her graduate thesis research. Big welcome!

Feb. 2021: The Song lab celebrates the Spring Festival together! 

Nov. 2020: Jingwen’s image wins the Top Prize in the Annual CLS Scientific Image Competition!

                  Well done, Jingwen!

Sept. 2020: Yan becomes an Associate Editor of PLOS GeneticsCongratulations!

July 2020: Yan is invited to join the editorial board of Journal of Genetics and Genomics. Good job, Yan!


July 2020: Zelin is awarded the prestigious PKU Weiming Scholar Award. Congratulations Zelin!

June 2020: Jingwen is awarded the PKU Presidential Predoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations!

Feb. 2020: Our latest Developmental Cell paper is now officially published as a featured article

                  Read the wonderful preview: Prospero Phase-Separating the Way to Neuronal Differentiation.

Feb. 2020: Yan has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at Peking University. 

Jan. 2020: Junru joins the lab for his graduate thesis research. Welcome aboard!

Dec. 2019: Xiaodan successfully defended her graduate thesis! Wonderful job, Dr. Liu!

Dec. 2019: Xiaodan and Jingwen's paper is now published online by Developmental Cell. Cool work!

Dec. 2019: Yan is featured by the Journal of Cell Biology - People and Ideas. Check it out - Yan Song: How time flies.

Nov. 2019: Xiaodan and Jingwen's paper is accepted by Developmental Cell. Congratulations!!

Sept. 2019: Yuying joins the lab for her graduate thesis research. Welcome aboard!

July 2019: Yuwei joins the lab for his undergraduate research. Welcome Yuwei!

May 2019: Ke and Bo successfully defended their graduate thesis! Congratulations Dr. Xu and Dr. Li! 

April 2019: Dan is awarded the Best Presentation Award at the 28th Beijing Area Fly Meeting. Congratulations Dan!


Dec. 2018: Yan is selected to the Journal of Cell Biology Early Career Advisory Board. Congratulations!

Nov. 2018: Yiyao and Xinhe join the lab for their undergraduate research. Welcome aboard!

Sept. 2018: Yaodong officially joins the crew for her graduate thesis research. Welcome Yaodong!

Sept. 2018: Bo and Chouin's paper is published at Elife.

                   Read the press release by ElifeBody’s own ‘bomb squad’ can help protect against brain tumors!

Aug. 2018: Bo and Chouin's paper is accepted by Elife. Congratulations Bo, Chouin, Panda & Rulan!

June 2018: Bo is awarded the PKU Presidential Predoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations!

June 2018: Yuan is awarded the prestigious ShenTong Graduate Award and the Excellent College Graduate of                                     Beijing Award. Great job and congrats Yuan! 

May 2018: Ke's paper is published at Elife. Congratulations Ke, Xiaodan, Yuchun & Chouin! 

March 2018: Ke is awarded the Best Presentation Award at the 24th Beijing Area Fly Meeting. Congratulations Ke!


Nov. 2017Kun successfully defends her graduate thesis and is awarded the CLS Outstanding Graduate Award.

                  Congratulations Dr. Liu!


Nov. 2017: Ruijia’s image “Brain Storm” wins the Top Prize in the Annual CLS Scientific Image Competition.

                   Well done Ruijia!


Oct. 2017Chenlei joins the lab for undergraduate research. Welcome aboard!

Sept. 2017: Shuyu officially joins the crew for her graduate thesis research. Welcome Shuyu!


July 2017: Shihong (Panda) is awarded the PKU Outstanding Graduate Award and the ShenTong Graduate Award.

                  We are proud of your achievements and wish you the best in your future endeavors.


March 2017: Kun’s paper is published at Developmental Cell as a cover story! Congratulations Kun!


March 2017: Zelin and Siyang join the lab for their undergraduate research. Welcome!

Dec. 2016: Yan is awarded the ShenTong Teaching Award. Congratulations Yan! 

July 2015: Yan is awarded the PKU Excellent Teaching Award. Congrats!

Copyright © 2024 Yan Song Lab - All Rights Reserved

School of Life Sciences; Center for Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China 100871

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